Download Our FREE Mortgage Calculator

Now you can calculate your mortgage payments quickly and easily offline! Simply download our offline mortgage calculator and you can calculate payments anytime.
Our offline Mortgage Calculator is 100% Free!
Mortgage Calculator.exe file - click the link and immediately run the calculator application or save it to your desktop.
Mortgage Calculator zip - Here is a .zip file of the full version which has more advanced features!
Here is how your mortgage calculator program will look on your computer:
How To Use The Calculator
Our calculator has five spots for entering information:
- Periodic Payments - This is the loan payment amount
- Interest Rate - Enter the rate of compounding interest
- Payments Per Year - Enter your annual payment amount
- Loan Amount - Total amount you're borrowing in $
- Number Of Payments - Amount of payments you plan to make
Different Ways To Customize Your Offline Mortgage Calculator
Due to the way we've built this calculator, there are a few ways in which you can use and personalize it to help you find exactly what you're looking for:
- If you leave the Periodic Payment area blank and fill in the other details and it will act as a normal standard mortgage calculator; then click the 'Find Next' button next to the Periodic Payment field.
- You can leave the Loan Amount empty and fill in the payment amount you can afford to determine the house value that's realistic for you.
- You can test the savings from bi-weekly payments vs. a traditional monthly mortgage payment by increasing the number of payments per year.
- You can also test different interest rates to compare different loan options. In addition our calculator comes with a printable loan schedule.
We are glad you like our offline mortgage calculator. While this calculator is quite flexible, if multiple fields are left blank when you click the find button, it will produce an error that will need cleared before it will work again. Click the clear button and enter new loan details and it should work like a charm.
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